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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

"Tick-a, tack-a" said the keyboard

So, I guess it suddenly turned into a trend with me never updating. I guess it's majorly because no one actually bothers to read it? I dunno. There's not much to talk to about for myself, I guess.

Edit: Damn, I said "I guess" a lot in that paragraph.

Anyway. It's snowing here, which is pretty neat. Minus the ice on the road, that's not so fun in a busy city. So I guess I won't be going out that much by car anymore. Speaking of car and going out, I totally became too lazy for those pictures. Might do them soon(tm), mostly depends on how cold it is and if I can get a nice angle. Maybe when there's some more snow on the trees?

I finally saw Inception the other day followed by Scott Pilgrim VS. the World, was very enjoyable. Inception a lot more so than the latter. I recommend everyone to see Inception (If you haven't yet, doubt there's many people left who haven't). And if you have some bits of nerd/geek in you, Scott Pilgrim. Or if you're high. Jesus Christ, that movie is trippin'.

Lately I've also been considering picking up some kind of education again. In the lines of programming, mostly. I don't know, we live in this technological age and it's getting 'worse' by the second. I feel like I should indulge myself into it a lot more than I already am. To stay with the curve in the future and maybe even be able to contribute to things. Not saying I would ever be the next inventor of Facebook or whatever, but it never hurts to be able to understand how it actually works. Right?

So I might play with that thought around a bit more and see what kind of doors that would open up to me.