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Saturday, June 8, 2013

Remember, remember...

As I sat gazing outside of the window last night, I couldn't help but wonder:

"What makes memories so special?"

It's a weird question, no matter how you look at it. You never stop and think about it, do you? Memories. You make them constantly; good ones, bad ones, you even forget most of them. But what causes us to distinguish between certain memories? What makes a certain object more important than another one?

Why is this picture more precious to me than this letter? Why would I easily throw away this store bought card from one person, but not from the other? We don't even stop to think about it, we just know which items are more important to us than others. Why is that?

Is it because of the feelings attached to it? Can we truly remember more than being generally happy or sad when recieving a certain item from someone? Is it because we associate the person with the items they gave? But if so, why don't we treasure everything like hoarders? Certainly almost all the people in your life are important to you?

To give a personal example, I relinquished the things my ex-lady gave me back to her, I regretted it and wished for it back. She wanted to keep a picture of herself and a souvenir she had gotten me. I gave the souvenir back but I fought tooth and nail for the picture. Why? Why does that picture mean more to me than the souvenir?

And the answer is that I don't know.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Doctor Who?

As most Whovians already know by this point, Matt Smith is going to be replaced as the 11th Doctor in the famous show Doctor Who. There seems to be quite a clear divide between fans, with one half going "Damn it, no!" and the other half going "Damn it, no!"

Wait. Did I do my Matt wrong? See what I did there? Right. Moving on.

Anyway, I personally embrace the change. Now, before you start wishing to exterminate me, just hear me out. Smith is a great Doctor, he's not Tennant, but he's brilliant. He brings the show alive with his quirk and the better writing also helps, of course.

But as with time and the show itself, it's constant, flowing and changing. So it's time for a change, 4 years is quite a long time to be a Doctor, and there's only so much longer you can drag it on before people completely resent the idea of ever having a new Doctor at all. Plus, with every new Doctor, it's a good chance to bring in new people to the show.

All in all, I'm for the change of a new Doctor, as long as he's good, of course. I realize everyone (me included) will be upset when they announce it, and we'll all need a couple of episodes upto a season for the new Doctor to grow on us, but we'll all love him. Just like we did with Smith.

"Run you clever boy and remember."

Saturday, June 1, 2013


So Animecon happened. Well, somewhat. It was only for a day and even then nothing was going on, it was more just sitting and standing around, watching people run around in cosplay. The atmosphere felt different than in the past, not sure why, but I didn't have as good of a time as the previous years. I guess it doesn't help when you're pinching pennies with every purchase you look at during such conventions, either.

I didn't take any pictures of cosplay, I wanted to at certain points but couldn't be bothered. It feels a bit cheap to whip out your phone to take a picture at those kind of events. People--well, most of the people, put in a lot of time and effort into their costumes and props and I whip out my phone because it's the only thing I have on hand.

I did buy this nice Sanji strap, though!