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Thursday, December 23, 2010


21. The age of becoming an adult. I turned 21 last Tuesday, threw a party because I figured you're supposed to do that when coming of age. Or, well, at least on 'important' mile-stones in your life. And it was fun, don't get me wrong. But in hindsight, I guess the more practical side of me wanted to avoid the mess, throw-ups and save some money while at it, too.

Are you supposed to be a changed man, as an adult? Do you finally set into your own routine of daily and weekly things? After all, routine's important. Some people can't--won't function without coffee. A shower. Apple during lunch. Something specific to drink during dinner. Anything. Is this normal? Or just neurotic? I love my routines, and I'll be damned if I don't feel off for the day if they don't get done. Am I the only one?

Monday, December 6, 2010

What a long, strange trip it's been

Cataclysm is literally around the corner as I write this, about 18 more hours until launch. Now, whilst I admit I'm totally excited for that, it also makes me think. It's been 6 years since WoW came out. I know it's not THAT long, but I've done quite some things in my life during that time. Hell, I even moved countries twice during it all.

But really, sometimes I do feel old when I think in terms like that. Did you know Friends ended 6 years ago, as well? Or that Pokémon has been running for 12 years now? Things like that make me feel old, because it's so long ago that those shows, or things were part of my life. Time flies without you knowing, it really does. I mean, I'm about to hit 21, even though I often still feel like 16. It's easy to just shove responability aside and just have fun, but it's not so fun when it hits you like a brick wall when you think about it.

What have you done in the last 6 years? As for me? Well, I did some life-changing things in my life, at the time. But not something that's set my future in stone. Nothing really memorable, noteworthy or grand to set me apart from my peers. And the scary thing about it all? The trip isn't over yet.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

"Tick-a, tack-a" said the keyboard

So, I guess it suddenly turned into a trend with me never updating. I guess it's majorly because no one actually bothers to read it? I dunno. There's not much to talk to about for myself, I guess.

Edit: Damn, I said "I guess" a lot in that paragraph.

Anyway. It's snowing here, which is pretty neat. Minus the ice on the road, that's not so fun in a busy city. So I guess I won't be going out that much by car anymore. Speaking of car and going out, I totally became too lazy for those pictures. Might do them soon(tm), mostly depends on how cold it is and if I can get a nice angle. Maybe when there's some more snow on the trees?

I finally saw Inception the other day followed by Scott Pilgrim VS. the World, was very enjoyable. Inception a lot more so than the latter. I recommend everyone to see Inception (If you haven't yet, doubt there's many people left who haven't). And if you have some bits of nerd/geek in you, Scott Pilgrim. Or if you're high. Jesus Christ, that movie is trippin'.

Lately I've also been considering picking up some kind of education again. In the lines of programming, mostly. I don't know, we live in this technological age and it's getting 'worse' by the second. I feel like I should indulge myself into it a lot more than I already am. To stay with the curve in the future and maybe even be able to contribute to things. Not saying I would ever be the next inventor of Facebook or whatever, but it never hurts to be able to understand how it actually works. Right?

So I might play with that thought around a bit more and see what kind of doors that would open up to me.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Resonance of a Spark after Vanquishing

Holy Batman, update!

Yeah, so, I didn't update in 3 weeks. Heck, I didn't even realize it's been that long. To be fair, I was kinda busy as well, but not much interesting things happened anyway. I got my car last Friday, finally. So that's awesome, awesome news. Might include pictures somewhere later this week.

I still didn't get my paycheck, they'd call me back end of this week, so if not today, I get to harrass them some more. Hoorah. Other than that, life's been more laid back with me playing Resonance of Fate quite a lot lately. I also did get Vanquish, because it looked awesome and flashy and whatnot. But so far (I guess after an hour or so), I am not impressed with it, it just doesn't play smoothly for me. Dunno, I might give it another shot.

Can I also point out that little children are annoying as fuck? I mean, damn. I was at a birthday party yesterday, and this 7 year old kid was there. And I'm pretty sure he only has pure sugar in his body. And I think he might be in the closet, because he likes slapping men's asses and punching them between the crotch. Whatever the case may be, he was annoying. Very annoying.

And with that said, happy birthday to Urya.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Y'arr, I plunder!

So, my car got broken into. No damage, luckily, but it still sucks. They only took the navigation system because they were too stupid to figure out how to take out the radio. But still, ugh. I hope stuff like this doesn't happen with the new car, that would be frikkin' terrible.

And the paycheck issue isn't solved yet either, hoorah. Life sure is looking great this week. But, I guess, it's nothing major and it can all be resolved. Though, I doubt the police'll find the navigation system back...

Saturday, October 9, 2010

I dun need yo stinkin' money

So I got my pay check today. And apparently they thought it made sense to write down that I got paid for 9 days, but for 0 hours in those days. So, basically, they just didn't pay out my 9 days. Like, what the hell man? So now I only have half of my pay.


I hate people sometimes.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Triggering a Spark

Been a while since I updated. Though, to be fair, not that much has happened to write about. The only real interesting thing is that I finally got around to ordering a car. A Chevy Spark. Should get it in 3ish weeks or so, and am really looking forward to it.

On another diddly note, I resigned from my job. There were only a couple of days left this month, I was constantly sick and it sucked not to see the lady in the weekends. I still need to go over to sign and turn in my uniform, however. I'll probably end up doing that this weekend or the next.

Oh, and what games should I buy this month? I mean, heck, there's lots coming out. I got my eyes set on Kirby's Epic Yarn so far, but there's a lot of other awesome stuff coming out. So, suggestions always welcome.

Friday, October 1, 2010

An apple a day keeps the doctor away, right?

So, I'm still a bit sick. Bleh, this flu has really been keeping me down for about 2 weeks now. I don't think I've ever had it this long. Though, on the upside (I guess?) I did have time to re-think my job, and decided that I'm going to resign. It really isn't as enjoyable as I thought it would be, and the reason I wanted the money in the first place has been resolved.

I'm also considering to get an iPad. The lady could use it for school and generally reading papers and all that jazz, so in that light it's not a bad investment. It beats shoving and pushing with chairs against each other at the desk, if one of the two can sit on the couch.

Still a bit on the fence though, but I'll most likely get it. If anyone has one or wants to give more insight why I should or shouldn't get it, feel free to.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A $300 Legend?

Wow, Megaman Legends 3 got announced for the 3DS. (Click me!)

I must admit, I'm very stoked about this. This announcement would be right up there alongside Suikoden 6 for me. I really do love the Legends series. However, though, on the other boat, the 3DS is going to be 300 USD. Which most likely (read: it will) ends up in 300 euro when it come out in Europe.

Damn it, Nintendo, stop taking all of my money.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Spitting, seriously?

Ugh, there's nothing that pisses me off more than kids who spit. I don't mean just  "Oh, there's something in my throat, I have to spit it out" kinda spitting, I mean the "Hey guys, let's go on a 20 meter high ferris wheel and spit on people who're below us!".

Seriously guys, knock that shit off. Or don't, it makes my day when I get to kick you out.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Greetings world!

So, a blog eh?

Never did this before, so excuse anything stupid. I'm also not sure what I'll be writing here, probably everything as the header states. From daily stuff, to things that I find interesting. Now let's just hope I can stick with the program and update more than once a month.

And that would be that, I s'pose. First post, ahoy!